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A writer on duty |
The next thing you picked your phone, opened your word processing application to see if you could write some ideas that will make up your book chapters but you still grew weak. It may seemed at a point that you had lost total interest in writing of books at that point in your life. Within few minutes, you dived into watching of videos or having any other kind of fun.
As an author, I have experienced this in many occasions. I was fighting with myself. I tried to push myself out of the situation when such thing began to happen but it seemed as if I was wasting my time. I did not feel any happy whenever I found myself in this kind of situation because I knew I had many writing works which I planned to achieve but human weakness did not want to let me move on. But I used to fight it until I broke through and began to do well in writing again.
Reason for lost of Interest to write at a Point
There are reasons writers do grow weak to write some books or articles at certain point in their life. Some of these reasons are as follow:- Sad mood
- Poor profits from written ones
- Social unrest/Conflict
- Stress
Sad Mood
In the field of writing, most times your state of mind determines whether you are likely to do well in that particular title or not. When you are sad, you will find it difficult to concentrate and do justice to the topic you are writing on. Your mood works hand in hand to how much you are going to achieve in a particular title. A merry heart does good like medicine. As a result of this, when someone's heart is not in good state he will not be motivated to write well.
At this state, he may pick up his laptop computer to type one or two words but ends up doing nothing. The reason is because he is not in his good state. He feels sad at that point. He may try to force himself to do it but still grows weak because his inner mind is not there. He may remember such scenario that made him sad and still feel tired.
He said to himself "I cannot do this now" Until he settles with his mind after some time before he goes back to his normal writing spirit. Writing is an emotional thing and any author that is emotionally down with an issue at a point in time may not be able to do any writing at that moment.
Poor Profit from written Ones
Our people in Igbo land in Nigeria do say that wealth strengthens the heart. Yes, sometimes you see yourself smile inwardly when you have some cash to spend. And it becomes more motivating when you found out that some of the money came as proceeds from articles and books you have written times ago. It gives great joy and it makes you to understand that your efforts were not in vain.
Sometimes I do hear that some people do write for fun and not for profit or to make money from their articles or books. I believe but I know that people that do so are just very small in number. A "correct author" who writes with zeal do so to pass knowledge to the audience and also make money for his or her self. We all need money as authors.
Because we need money as authors, when we write articles and books and do not generate profits from them, we do not feel good about them. For example, an author that uses Amazon Kindle to publish his books needs to make sales. When sales does not come, he may feel weak to write more books. But the moment he starts selling more books through that medium, he feel motivated to write more because at that point he knows that someone in the word likes his book. Not only that but he gets paid for his written book. Money can motivate authors.
In some counties where there are wars, many people do not sleep due to the fear of the unknown. Some are not in their good frame of mind due to such conflicts. As a result of this, some authors find it difficult to brainstorm and create good ideas on what they are writing on. When this happens, they grow cold as they do not have what they need to make up their articles or books. They get lost due to the fact that they do not have the necessary materials they need at that point in time.
In a society where there is conflict like war, things are disorganized. The more important thing in this situation is life. So at this point in time, authors hands grow cold. The zeal to write is no longer there because they want to live before writing again.
In fact, many independent authors have other jobs they do. They make their basic earnings from such jobs and not really from their written articles or books. Most times, it takes time to establish audience that buy books from authors. Even though some make residual incomes from writing, it is something because a good writer believes that in future he will have higher buyers and readers as his works go viral.
Because of life stress joined with other works some authors do, at a point they may be stressed out. And when they find themselves in this state consistently, they end up growing weak to write. This is what happens to many authors in everyday life.
The beautiful thing is that when an author maintains that standard, at a point writing becomes sweet. You do not get weak to write again. At that state, writing is you and you are writing. You blend together with the exercise.
Setting up target for yourself as a writer will also make you achieve more in the field. As an author, I have about 23 written books on sale on Amazon. These are possible because of the target I set for myself. Today, I smile whenever I look at those books. Setting up target for yourself to write more will make you to "throw away" the laziness to write.
Mindset is established set of attitudes held by someone. Reformation is an action or process of reforming a practice. Many authors have overcome the attitude of being weak to write through the reformation of the ways they view writing.
Do not see writing as something that is so difficult but see it as a simple task. See it as something you can practice at ease and get the result you still want. When you remember that you have to complete a particular chapter of your book or article, do not see it as a very big deal. See it as a project that you can easily complete and then face it. You can open a note application in your phone and start making your sentences without stress. Let your attitude towards writing be positive and not negative. For your information, many authors have written many sound books because they adapted good mindset reform.
Why is it so? Because I was looking ahead of future. I was looking ahead of the time when I will have more books in many bookshelf and sell more books on Amazon. I know that day will come. I kept my hope alive and that became one of my motivation.
As of the time of publication of this article, I have 23 sound books on Amazon. And you know what? More books are still coming. The more books I write, the more money I make because I stand the chance to make more sales. So, you have to look ahead of your brighter future as an author and that will make you not to grow weak in writing as an author.
Below is one of my books on Amazon and you can gain knowledge from it:
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That time an author becomes weak to write |
Social unrest/Conflict
What is social unrest? Social unrest is characterized by the general dissatisfaction of a group and the unconventional and sometimes violent ways people tend to show it. It has really affected many authors in one way or the other. Social unrest has made some authors to grow cold in writing. Many can be traumatized by what they witness during the unrest.In some counties where there are wars, many people do not sleep due to the fear of the unknown. Some are not in their good frame of mind due to such conflicts. As a result of this, some authors find it difficult to brainstorm and create good ideas on what they are writing on. When this happens, they grow cold as they do not have what they need to make up their articles or books. They get lost due to the fact that they do not have the necessary materials they need at that point in time.
In a society where there is conflict like war, things are disorganized. The more important thing in this situation is life. So at this point in time, authors hands grow cold. The zeal to write is no longer there because they want to live before writing again.
Stress is another thing that can make many authors to be weak to write. Maybe the author combines his basic job with writing, at a point he may grow weak to write. Many authors including the author of this article have basic jobs they do and get paid their salaries every month at the due time.In fact, many independent authors have other jobs they do. They make their basic earnings from such jobs and not really from their written articles or books. Most times, it takes time to establish audience that buy books from authors. Even though some make residual incomes from writing, it is something because a good writer believes that in future he will have higher buyers and readers as his works go viral.
Because of life stress joined with other works some authors do, at a point they may be stressed out. And when they find themselves in this state consistently, they end up growing weak to write. This is what happens to many authors in everyday life.
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The moment the author overcomes the weakness and write more books |
How to Overcome the Weakness to write
There are approach that authors can take to win the issue of weakness in writing. The ways are as follow:- Setting target
- Mindset reformation
- Looking ahead of future
Setting Target
One of the ways I have won the laziness to write is by setting up target for myself. Sometimes I set up the target of writing at least one thousand words a day for a particular book title. If I do not get this number of words, I will not sleep for that day. Maybe I already planned that I will finish the book writing in three months and having that number of words in a day will help me get that job done.The beautiful thing is that when an author maintains that standard, at a point writing becomes sweet. You do not get weak to write again. At that state, writing is you and you are writing. You blend together with the exercise.
Setting up target for yourself as a writer will also make you achieve more in the field. As an author, I have about 23 written books on sale on Amazon. These are possible because of the target I set for myself. Today, I smile whenever I look at those books. Setting up target for yourself to write more will make you to "throw away" the laziness to write.
Mindset Reformation
Mindset reformation can mean different things to different people. But it boils down to how individuals think and act towards things. The mind of a particular person may be telling him that it will be difficult to achieve a specific task while the other person sees it as something simple if the needed skill is used to do the job.Mindset is established set of attitudes held by someone. Reformation is an action or process of reforming a practice. Many authors have overcome the attitude of being weak to write through the reformation of the ways they view writing.
Do not see writing as something that is so difficult but see it as a simple task. See it as something you can practice at ease and get the result you still want. When you remember that you have to complete a particular chapter of your book or article, do not see it as a very big deal. See it as a project that you can easily complete and then face it. You can open a note application in your phone and start making your sentences without stress. Let your attitude towards writing be positive and not negative. For your information, many authors have written many sound books because they adapted good mindset reform.
Looking ahead of Future
The statement "the future is bright" is true if you believe and work towards it. It's not really all about today. I can remember that year as of the year 2014 when I started writing books. Sometimes two months pass without making even a sale on Amazon. But today such does not happen again. It is now a history.Why is it so? Because I was looking ahead of future. I was looking ahead of the time when I will have more books in many bookshelf and sell more books on Amazon. I know that day will come. I kept my hope alive and that became one of my motivation.
As of the time of publication of this article, I have 23 sound books on Amazon. And you know what? More books are still coming. The more books I write, the more money I make because I stand the chance to make more sales. So, you have to look ahead of your brighter future as an author and that will make you not to grow weak in writing as an author.
Below is one of my books on Amazon and you can gain knowledge from it:
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