
Monday, 31 December 2018

Transition can come Anytime

You never can tell what may be your result next year. You never can tell if transition can occur in the business you have been managing for a long time now.

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Nigerian Youth Challenges

The youths who are citizens of Nigeria have faced a lot of hard times for a very long time. The hardship has made many see the country like a car that can never be repaired again. Many young men and women who are citizens of the country are hungry and angry.

Thursday, 27 December 2018

It is not yet Over

No matter how bad it may appear, it is not over yet. You can still build. You can still make positive effective changes. The mindset of a great warrior is always like that. A warrior always keeps his head up.

Monday, 17 December 2018

Shun Drug Abuse

It is embarrassing when a youth enters your room and what you smell is drugs that stick hard on his body. The odour is very offensive to the extent the owner of the room applies air freshener immediately the drug abuser leaves the room. Indian hemp is reducing a lot of youths to nothing.

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Making better Plan as a Youth

In life, youths are usually centre of attraction by many people. Your parents, relations, elders and the members of your community wants to see your manifestations. In respect to this, there are things that you have to put into place to make it work out. It is not all about people hoping to see you manifest but you making plans to live a happy life in the long run. To be discussed are points to make it achieved.

Friday, 30 November 2018

It may be Tough but You can do it

Photo description: The start may be tough; source: Bright drops 
You can do it. I mean it. You can. If men can create ideas that have kept the world going for a long time, you can still create your own ideas.

Monday, 19 November 2018

Your Current Position is Someone's Future Expectation

Photo description: Be contented with what you have currently. 
It is true. You complain of poor power supply in the community you are living, and someone somewhere is begging to get daily bread and live. You want to drive car and someone is

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Creativity is what you do

Image description: creativity; Source: DIY Genius 

To be creative is an action. It is not just what you dream about. So many creative ideas have died with their generators because they did not put them into work. Yes, it is a "doing thing". You have to make it work. It is your responsibility.

I don't know how creative you think you are? The author

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Mentoring and the Importance

Image description: Mentoring and its importance; Image source: Okwuagbala Uzochukwu Mike Peter 

As a youth, you need at least a mentor. He will be there to guide and also correct you even when you are not getting things right. You cannot know everything. You need someone to look up to.

Friday, 26 October 2018

They may call you bad Names as a Youth because you fight for your Own

Description: Be wise
Image source: Wiki how

That one, he is very stingy. Do you know how many times I asked him for money and he ended up giving me small out of the amount I asked for. He does not even eat good food. He even manage to buy the television he is using currently. He only gives his people. He is just stingy.

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Life is full of ups and downs

Image source: we Heart It

It may taste bitter. It may seem yours is the worst. To you, you are feeling that you are not living the life you want to live. Your family members are demanding so much from you to the extent that you can't even sleep in the night properly because of the pressure.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Every man has Diamond inside of Him

Image source: Science news
Image source: Science news
Wait... Did I say diamond? Yes. Diamond. How can a diamond be found inside of a man? Is that possible?

I say again, "You have a diamond inside of you". A precious material. You gat it. It

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Marketing: Door Opener to other Opportunities

Imagine source: Sky fall blue

Wisdom is profitable to direct. That's a wise saying. A wise man does not just see things the way an ordinary man perceives those things. He sees certain things quite differently. His views are different and unique.

To a mere man, he may say, "is it not just marketing"? What is there? How can such kind of job be door opener? But a wise youth sees beyond that. He sees more than just a mere marketing job.

A mere man sees climbing of mountain only as stressful thing. But a wise man sees successful climbing of the same mountain as a road to victory. He can even call experts to carry out a check on the mountain to know if there are mineral resources in the background. This he may do secretly so that he can explore the area if there are mineral accumulations under it.

If after the survey and mineral resources are discovered, he can end up buying the land where the mountain is situated. He will do this because he will make good money after the minerals are explored.

That is a superb thinking and good approach. This is not too far from how marketing is. To outsiders, it may be just marketing but some intelligent marketers see the profession as a way to create wealth and make more bigger money.

Opportunity to meet prominent people
Marketing gives the staff the opportunity to meet men who are well to do in the town. Sometimes the agent gets closer to the customer to a point that the customer sees the agent as part of his or her family.

Many marketing agents have had bigger offers because of their opportunity to meet well to do persons in the course of their marketing job. You can meet the governor of any state of your country, big businessmen, the managers of big organizations and the rest in the course of doing your marketing job.

You know what? These guys can even change your life to better. They can really impart in you in a countless of ways. So far you do your job well as an expert, they can make you their own person. That is the truth.

Change of Profession
How can they impart in you? First, if maybe you do not enjoy marketing job you are doing, they can help you switch to another job. These are men and women that know many well connected people in the society. Maybe you studied health and you find yourself in the marketing line, and one day you went out to sell your services or products to people that work in health institution.

After you have sold your services or products to the client, you two exchange contact. At this point, he is your customer. Sometimes you check on her through phone or even in his office. Gradually, you begin to build strong friendship.

At a point, you can bring to his notice that you studied health related course and will like to work in that area too. She can give you ideas on how to go about that. Also, she can process the job for you as soon as possible if there are vacancies for him to give you the work at that point in time. Through this means, marketing has opened a door for another job for you. Do not just see marketing job as a stressful job because it can open some other good doors for you.

Increase in Income

Marketing as a profession can help you grow bigger and make more money. It is about meeting more people everyday and at the same time selling your products and services to them. You meet people that matter in the society.

The notable men you meet can open door for you to meet other well to do men in the society. This will serve as a plus to you. You will grow bigger and bigger and get higher promotion when this happen.
Image source: Quicket
Imagine a situation whereby a high profiled individual refer you to about ten of his friends who are as rich as him and they ended up buying you products with good sum of money. That can give you a good boost. If the marketing job at the same time has payment based on commission, your commission can shoot up within a short period of time because you have financially balanced persons as your customers.

The network link continues to grow in that trend because those new customers can also introduce you to other persons. As the chain grow, you smile as well. At a point, you will come to a state that when you do not even work, you money keep coming. That is one of the beauty of such marketing job.

Establishment of personal business

Still in the effect of opening other positive doors for you, you can establish personal businesses that will give you extra money. At this point, you will not only earn money from your marketing but also from your personal business.

It is because your marketing job has given you money that make you have the resources to start new business of your own. It opened new good door for you. If you employ the right persons to manage the business for you, you supervise the business and things flow.


Ideas rule the world. There are ideas that are expensive to acquire but believe me, marketing can give them to you free of charge. When you meet people on daily basis, some of them can be free with you to give you great ideas that can make you excel in life freely. These are ideas that many pay much to get in seminars but marketing has made you get them freely.

Dear youth, do not be afraid to pick up marketing job if that is the offer you are given first. There are many advantages of marketing. See the other side of the job. You will enjoy it because the benefits are countless. Marketing has many benefits attributed to it.

Sunday, 30 September 2018

Don't Compare

Men... Dickson came around yesterday. If you see his ride eeh. Brand new TEAR RUBBER TOYOTA car. Guy, if you see this ride, you will close your eyes because the spark from the body of the car can make someone blind.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Failure isn’t the worst possible result; not trying is

The above topic is a great one. It is a title that every youth that is facing one or two challenges need to contemplate and dig deep in. That statement was made by someone that understands some things about life and the challenges it may pose sometimes.

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering: Introduction and Applications

A book that explains metallurgical and materials engineering. It also explains the applications of the branch of engineering and the impact it makes in the society.

In some universities and tertiary institutions that study engineering courses, this department is referred to as just Metallurgical engineering while some call it Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. But in all, they are still referring to almost the same area of engineering.
So, it is not wrong if you change this topic to the “Applications and Roles of Metallurgical Engineering”. This is one of the newest

Keep on Keeping on Dear Youths

Yes... Keep on keeping on. Do not put off the attitude of keeping on. Do not switch it off. Switching it off will make you find yourself in a state you may not like.

For this reason, you

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Greatness is not a product of Convenience

Image source: Apple company

Have you ever worked and at a point you began to feel headache? Have any project made you force yourself not to sleep even when your body system was seriously demanding it? Have you been into a particular project and you were hungry but you refused to eat because you wanted to get to a particular level before you could eat?

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Keep Yourself Busy as a Youth

Keep yourself busy as a youth and do not waste your time; source: Uzochukwu Mike's Zone

It is important to have yourself engaged with some responsibilities as a youth. Keep your mind busy with something of value. No matter how small you think that responsibility is, use it to keep yourself alive. Keeping yourself busy with a job makes a man out of you.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

No one has it all

No one has it all
Most of the things you see are all packaging. Some are fake but it may look real in your eyes. Some smiles in the public but pass through pains in their individual homes.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Worries will not solve anything

Why killing yourself in what will not add anything to your person? Why wasting your time and energy on what you know will not change yourself to better? Will worrying over that yield you any good fruit?

Friday, 3 August 2018

You may not really need the Crowd

                  Image source: Josueferrer

Sometimes, you need to work it out yourself. You may not really need the crowd to achieve anything you want to be in life. What you need is solid ideas.

Sunday, 29 July 2018

Drug Abuse among Nigerian Youths

Photo source: Forumias 

Some youths in the country today think that they know more than the experts in a particular field of study. They even see their elders as people that practiced "old school" lifestyle and therefore cannot tell them (the youths) what to do. They prefer

Sunday, 22 July 2018

You have Infinite Potentials

“It constantly amazes me that men and women wander the earth marvelling at the highest mountains, the deepest ocean, the whitest sands, the most exotic islands, the most intriguing birds of the air and fish of the sea - and all the time never stop to marvel at themselves and realize their infinite potential as human beings - Matthew Kelly”

Have you ever imagined how this earth was about three thousand (3,000) years ago. The kind of life people were living then, how people walk for days before they got to their destinations, and even the kind of clothes they were wearing at that time. What about what they do at their leisure time? Was there anything like watching of television not to talk more of football matches?

Thursday, 5 July 2018

That little Effort can be a stepping Stone

It is normal if you were not getting it right in the early start. Many people started the same way. They passed through hard times and yet they did not give up.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Complain less and work more

It is wise to reserve your strength instead of complaining all through. Complaining from time to time may not solve much in that your condition. Try and put yourself together and reason out better ways to make your life meaningful.

Saturday, 2 June 2018

You are on your own: be wise

It baffles me whenever I see some youths behave as if they were created the same time with some persons. Even identical twins have differences between them. No two individuals are

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Ideas don't come out fully formed

The statement "Ideas don't come out fully formed" was made by Mark Zuckerberg .

At the initial stage, an idea may not come out fully formed. Initially, it may seems as if it does not make any sense at all. It becomes like different parts of a motorcycle which are not yet assembled and fixed together.

The moment those individual parts are technically and properly arranged and fixed, that become when a complete motorcycle is made.

Friday, 20 April 2018

It may seem everything has Waxed Cold

Your mind as a human fights with so many thoughts day and night. And sometimes if your heart is not well guarded, it ends up thinking of bad thoughts or naughty things always.

You may try to get those thoughts off your mind but it seems the more you want to leave, the more you feel like staying to think about those naughty things. That shows that your mind is always

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Behaviour can handle almost everything

Photo source: Coloradomesa 

What is your behaviour like? Do people say well of your behaviour or bad? Your behaviour can make you or paint you black. It is important to know that.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Stand up straight and Lift it

Muscles are created by lifting things that is made to weigh us down. By the lifting of those weights gradually and consistently, muscles begin to develop. Do not worry so much about

Friday, 9 March 2018

The Beginning may not be Smooth

The journey to personal successful achievements varies from person to person. That Michael got a good job immediately after his university education does not mean Jackson must get a good job immediately after his graduation. Also, that Michael got such favor immediately after the study does not imply that Jackson cannot get a job that pays more than that of Michael later. That implies that the road to greatness varies from

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Seeing beyond your current Horizon

In this context, the word ‘horizon’ implies the limit of a person’s knowledge, experience or interest.  Seeing beyond your current horizon as it implies in our discussion today means seeing beyond your current experience, knowledge and your pay in the company currently. It is seeing beyond

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Only God is Right

                                Photo: Only God is right. The picture describes the topic
                                Source: Okwuagbala Uzochhukwu Mike (title author)

He is the only one that is right. We live in a world where people notice your mistakes so easily than the things you did right. You can do more than ten goods for people but many would not appreciate or see them. But the moment you do one thing wrongly, that is when the world will notice it easily and brand you a wicked fellow. This should tell you that the only one that is right is God.

Sunday, 11 February 2018

It may not be Rosy

Photo: Rose colored flower; Source: Rose only 

You have been trying for a long time now but it seems nothing is working out. You have been working on the project for some time now but to you there is no visibility and profitability. You learnt the trending skills that everyone has been talking about and yet you are not seeing any remarkable result. You switched over to another that you were advised to try and for one year you are seeing just a little result.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Get Busy with Something of Value

You need to be busy as a youth. Refuse to be lazy in life. No matter how small things may seem to be coming in, do not in any way stop. 
Youths that got busy by learning some computer skills, source:World Economic Forum
Continue to do something. An idle man is the workshop of the devil. When you stopped doing that that was giving you small money before, you will see yourself floating in the air. The only time I advice you stop is

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Sow Differently Today to Reap in the Future

It may not be easy as a starter. It may not be simple as a young man or woman. It may seem difficult for you as a youth. It takes time for great things to happen. But the "clean truth" remains that if you sow different today in the future you will reap exceedingly.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Bounce Back instead of Breaking Down

It is a New Year and many youths have drawn their maps on how to go about things this New Year. Some have made the statistics of how much they will make this year and