
Friday, 3 August 2018

You may not really need the Crowd

                  Image source: Josueferrer

Sometimes, you need to work it out yourself. You may not really need the crowd to achieve anything you want to be in life. What you need is solid ideas.
These ideas when enforced will yield effective results.

In your quiet time, think. After thinking, write down. Those written  ideas can grow to something meaningful that will at the end shape your life to better.

Most of the time, I heard some youths lamenting that the reason why they are in the pitiable conditions they find themselves is because their fathers did not support them. Some would say that the reason is because their uncle that have plenty of money do not want to help them.

The question is: who helped that your uncle or your dad made their own money? Answer the question yourself. The fact remains that many have climbed from nothing to where they are today.

What you need is the ideas backed up with the proper enforcement. So, you may not necessarily need them. Work it out yourself.

Who helped Mark Zuckerberg climb to where he is today? He captured his ideas first and from there built his own world. He did not need the crowd before he could carry out his functions.

Stop complaining my friend. You are a youth. You are a human. You have infinite potentials. Those your potentials are so many that you may not be able to "dispense" all of them before you leave this planet earth.

You have to work. Sit down and draw the plans. This your own plan can change the world.

If it cannot change the whole world, it can change your community. You can be remembered by your community for doing extraordinary things.

When I was still a student in the university, I started making impact in the live of people that visited my subdomain sites. Many left commending comments after going through my write ups because they believe I affected their lives positively.

As a young fellow, you can impact lives in another way. It may not be through written works but through something different. The society is waiting for your manifestation.

That business ideas you have in your head can give you something big in return. You don't need to wait until you have the whole money in the world before you can get the business started.

I know money is a good propeller to get things done. But if you are humble enough, you can raise this money. It may not really be easy but you can get that done.

You may be expecting one big job and the job is not coming forth. You don't need to fold your hands. If the job is not coming forth, pick the available one and move forward. You can make yourself better in the long run.

Even if there is no company to employ you. You can leave that your location and go to a new land. Over there, you can engage in a daily work where you are paid on daily basis. Do the job no matter what and get your money paid to you.

One of the things you need to do this is humility. Forget about any title you think you have acquired.

When you raise your money and build yourself into something better tomorrow, people will sing your praises. You need to move on. Many have suffered and at the end get themselves established to better.

You may not necessarily need the crowd. Work on your own and establish yourself. It will pay you better in the long run. 

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