Know the time for your optimum performance and utilize it well. Study yourself as a youth and find out the time you can carry out a particular function. There is
It is possible to revive those your bones that seem to be weak. You can charge then to possess some ions. You have the power to do so because your body belongs to you.
Do you really think that those small efforts will still count? Never take those your efforts of today for granted because they may turn out tomorrow and start paying you. It may
The fire is still there just fan it into flame. The fire as I mentioned here can mean a lot of things to different individuals. Also it can pass different indidual messages to different people.
Skill acquisition is one of the things I cannot stop teaching young people and the world through my writings. I have tasted and seen the importance and because of that decided to always teach that to my readers. Whether you are big or small, you need one or two skills for sustenance.
I know it is never easy. Yes, I have passed through that road and know how it used to be. You will not die by taking it easy until you complete the journey.